April 24, 2011

well, I made the leap! After following many friends via their blogs, I've decided to get past my discomfort,...(it all seems too public), to see if I can impose a new level of structure and discipline to my daily life as an artist. So, I'm sticking my toe into the world of blogging. with the hope that eventually, I'll put down my thoughts about artmaking and chart my evolution,...let's see how it goes.

I decided to begin by jumping on the 'something a day' bandwagon...creating a project that provides the incentive to post something specific from my world in art, daily...

Those who know me well know that I'm obsessed with the circular form. Circles, speak to me. They're an important part of my visual vocabulary. Why?...well for a seemingly endless number of reasons. Here are just a few: purity of form, absolute symmetry, the beautiful letter 'o', the center, the whole, the hole, the sun, the moon, a wheel, a start point, a continuous line,...(and Kandinsky claimed that the circle was the most peaceful shape and that it represented the human soul.)

For years, I've incorporated and used circles and circular forms in my artwork: circles, arcs, rings, spheres, globes, convex and concave forms...I love them all. I always return to the circle to 'center' me and as a start point for a new journey in art.

So I give you: circling round, a photo or two every day, a bit of what I see a'round' me, for your viewing pleasure? As I become more comfortable and settled in, I hope to include more about works in progress, work completed and observations.

Here goes, presenting an artist's 'one a day', the circular form as a visual journal.

and while you're at it, please visit my website:


Sunday, July 31, 2011

daily rounds, day 96: july 29, 2011

detail: 'Catoptric Tears' by Bevan Weissman
now at Art in the Park Worcester

daily rounds, day 95: july 28,2011


detail: 'Portals' by Carolyn Lewenbeg
now at Art iin the Park Worcester

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

daily rounds, day 94: july 27, 2011


the most beautiful of summer days,
and glowing farmstand tomatoes from Paxton

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

daily rounds, day 93: july 26, 2011



detail: 'bridge work' by Carrie Crane,
intriguing? go see it, Art in the Park, Worcester

daily rounds, day 92: july 25, 2011



the evil virus laden beast returned,
healed, and back in Rutland

daily rounds, day 91: july 24, 2011



studio, Worcester

daily rounds, day 90: july 23, 2011



hot, hot, hot!
view from studio, Worcester

daily rounds, day 89: july 22, 2011



work in progress
studio, Worcester

daily rounds, day 88: july 21, 2011


garden hose

Monday, July 25, 2011

daily rounds, day 87: july 20, 2011


under the table
garden lunch in Worcester

daily rounds, day 86: july 19, 2011


hay wagons

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

daily rounds, day 85: july 18, 2011

bead balls in window
Brattleboro Vermont

daily rounds, day 85: july 18, 2011


Quechee  Gorge Vermont

daily rounds, day 85: july 18, 2011



Woodstock Vermont

daily rounds, day 84: july 17, 2011

rock pools, Falls of Lana

daily rounds, day 83: july 16, 2011



apples on Blueberry Hill
Goshen Vermont

daily rounds, day 83: july 16, 2011


sitting around
Goshen Vermont

Friday, July 15, 2011

daily rounds, day 82: july 15, 2011

orange string on Emerald Road, Rutland

daily rounds, day 81: july 14, 2011

rug sun,

Thursday, July 14, 2011

daily rounds, day 80: july 13, 2011



going around,
path of least resistance, Rutland

daily rounds, day 79: july 12, 2011


wild grape vine, Rutland

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

daily rounds, day 78: july 11, 2011

water rings: environmental sculpture by Lisa Barthelson from harbour fraser hodder on Vimeo.

Just completed Harbour Hodder video of Lisa Barthelson's 'water rings' sculpture installation, Art in the Park Exhibition, Worcester MA, July 2010

"water rings" was comprised of a total of 57 pieces: rings and bubbles, created from household materials and installed in three linked groupings, floating on the moving surface of Mere Pond in Elm Park, Worcester, MA.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

daily rounds, day 77: july 10, 2011

anniversary on the beach,
glorious day, Watch Hill

Saturday, July 9, 2011

daily rounds, day 76: july 9, 2011



'undercurrents' de-installation day,
 fan at the
Sprinkler Factory Gallery, Worcester

daily rounds, day 75: july 8, 2011

detail: 'Moonwalker', found objects by Mark Taber
'green' exhibition, Attleboro Arts Museum

daily rounds, day 74: july 7, 2011


detail: 'Moonwalker', found objects by Mark Taber
'green' exhibition, Attleboro Arts Museum

Thursday, July 7, 2011

daily rounds, day 73: july 6, 2011



detail: 'launch, family debris series'
encaustic/ found object
'green'  exhibition, Attleboro Arts Museum

daily rounds, day 72: july 5, 2011

old soul, new life
roadside, Rutland

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

daily rounds, day 71: july 4, 2011



fourth of july parade, 2011
Rutland ride

daily rounds, day 71, july 4, 2011



fourth of july parade, 2011
princess wave, Rutland

daily rounds, day 71, july 4, 2011


fourth of july parade, 2011
all 'round' contrasts, Rutland

daily rounds, day 71: july 4, 2011


fourth of july parade, 2011
Rutland ride

Monday, July 4, 2011

daily rounds, day 71: july 4, 2011


fourth of july parade, 2011
marching and drumming, Rutland

daily rounds, day 71: july 4, 2011


fourth of july parade, 2011
all 'round' Fire Brigade guys, Rutland

daily rounds, day 70: july 3, 2011


beautiful birthday, cake from kids
thankful,  Rutland

daily rounds, day 70: july 3, 2011


beach wall, Watch Hill

Saturday, July 2, 2011

daily rounds, day 69: july 2, 2011


leaving Las Vegas, above desert...green?
archival round, July 3, 2010

daily rounds day 68: july 1, 2011


summer evening swing, Rutland