April 24, 2011

well, I made the leap! After following many friends via their blogs, I've decided to get past my discomfort,...(it all seems too public), to see if I can impose a new level of structure and discipline to my daily life as an artist. So, I'm sticking my toe into the world of blogging. with the hope that eventually, I'll put down my thoughts about artmaking and chart my evolution,...let's see how it goes.

I decided to begin by jumping on the 'something a day' bandwagon...creating a project that provides the incentive to post something specific from my world in art, daily...

Those who know me well know that I'm obsessed with the circular form. Circles, speak to me. They're an important part of my visual vocabulary. Why?...well for a seemingly endless number of reasons. Here are just a few: purity of form, absolute symmetry, the beautiful letter 'o', the center, the whole, the hole, the sun, the moon, a wheel, a start point, a continuous line,...(and Kandinsky claimed that the circle was the most peaceful shape and that it represented the human soul.)

For years, I've incorporated and used circles and circular forms in my artwork: circles, arcs, rings, spheres, globes, convex and concave forms...I love them all. I always return to the circle to 'center' me and as a start point for a new journey in art.

So I give you: circling round, a photo or two every day, a bit of what I see a'round' me, for your viewing pleasure? As I become more comfortable and settled in, I hope to include more about works in progress, work completed and observations.

Here goes, presenting an artist's 'one a day', the circular form as a visual journal.

and while you're at it, please visit my website:


Wednesday, August 31, 2011

daily rounds, day 129: august 30, 2011






wandering all 'round' Popham and Hunnewell Beaches
saying goodbye until next year

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

daily rounds, day 128: august 29, 2011


magical morning,
sun on spiderwebs with dew
Fox Island Maine

daily rounds, day 127: august 28, 2011

late afternoon, ladies walking
Popham Beach,Maine

daily rounds, day 126,: august 27, 2011

sand bar curves
Popham Beach Maine

daily rounds, day 125: august 26, 2011

most beautiful found shell, on a virtually 'no shell beach!
Popham Beach Maine

daily rounds, day 124: august 25, 2011

beautiful beach
Popham Beach Maine

daily rounds, day 123: august 24, 2011

beach ant hills
Hunnewell Beach, Maine

daily rounds, day 122: august 23, 2011

ball on the beach
Hunnewell Beach, Maine

daily rounds, day 121: august 22, 2011

beach art start
Hunnewell Beach, Maine

daily rounds, day 120: august 21, 2011

button-less, button
outdoor shower, Popjam Beach State Park

daily rounds, day 119: august 20, 2011

beach 'head'
Popham Beach Maine

Sunday, August 21, 2011

daily rounds, day 118: august 19, 2011



beach rounds: bucket, ball & tent
Popham Beach State Park, Maine

daily rounds, day 117: august 18, 2011


 psychedelic boogie board
Popham Beach State Park, Maine

daily rounds, day 116: august 17, 2011


ocean water rings
Popham Beach, Maine

daily rounds, day 115: august 16, 2011

apple & seaweed
 Popham Beach, Maine

daily rounds, day 114: august 15, 2011

beautiful gray day
Hunnewell Beach, Maine

Saturday, August 20, 2011

daily rounds, day 113: august 14, 2011

been away, rounds are coming...
vacation day 1:
path arc, to Hunnewell Beach, Maine

Saturday, August 13, 2011

daily rounds, day 112: august 13, 2011

sculpture debris, backyard Rutland
second life in October?

daily rounds day 111: august 12, 2011



the 'face' of heavy equipment, waiting
roadside Rutland

Friday, August 12, 2011

daily rounds, day 110: august 11, 2011



summer berries
roadside Rutland

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

daily rounds, day 109, august 10, 2011

studio electrical 'stuff' Worcester

daily rounds, day 107, august 9, 2011



end of the bee balm
garden, Rutland

Monday, August 8, 2011

daily rounds, day 106: august 8, 2011



print studio's old tune maker

daily rounds, day 105: august 7, 2011



roadside easy chair

Sunday, August 7, 2011

daily rounds, day 104: august 6, 2011


queen anne's lace  at building edge
Sprinkler Factory Worcester

Thursday, August 4, 2011

daily rounds, day 102: august 4, 2011



detail: 'empty rooms, family debris series'
encaustic/ found object
NE Collective II, Galatea Fine Art, Boston

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

daily rounds, day 101: august 3, 2011


sweet summer on a plate,
dinner in Rutland

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

daily rounds, day 100: august 2, 2011


sun working through the fog
dreaming of Popham Beach
archival round, August 2010

Monday, August 1, 2011

daily rounds, day 99: august 1, 2011

'family debris'
ready for deconstruction: studio Worcester

daily rounds, day 98: july 31, 2011



sun on garage knob
Lords Point

daily rounds, day 97: july 30, 2011



rose hips
Watch Hill

daily rounds, day 97: july 30, 2011

all round perfect day at the beach
Watch Hill